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Sandeep’s Story


My wife, Tripti, and I first became Margie’s clients over 4 years ago after Yo-Yo Ma, my closest friend, invited me to join him as a member of his world famous Silk Road Ensemble. However, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity came with a big price. It would mean that my wife and two daughters would have to move with me 7,000 miles from our life-long home in Delhi India to Greater Boston.


After going back to Delhi to share this exciting news with my family, I then came back to Boston to find a place we could afford to rent before we packed everything up and moved here. That’s when I was first introduced to Margie. Quite honestly, I didn’t think that Margie, who is one of Sotheby's International Realty's busiest and most successful real estate brokers, would want to waste her time trying to find an apartment for some tabla musician and his family who were moving from India.


As Tripti, my two daughters, (and Margie) have kept reminding me for the past 4 years, I couldn’t have been more wrong. And as far as that first apartment Margie found for us, she recently arranged for us to buy it; and it has become one of the most desirable and sought after luxury condominiums in Chestnut Hill. Thanks Margie!


Tripti’s Story


When Sandeep told me about Yo-Yo’s incredible invitation, I was so happy for him. At the same time, though, I was, also, worried about how my two young daughters would adjust to such a big change in their life and whether or not I would be able to continue my career in America as a senior bank executive.


If I knew then what I know now, which is how Margie was able to magically solve problems before we even knew we had them, I wouldn’t have lost as much sleep as I did.


A perfect example of this had to do with our family’s first ever flu shots. Not only didn’t we have flu shots in India; but, we, also, didn’t know that there was a flu “season” and that we were landing in Boston right at the start of a bad one. So what does Margie do? After she arranged to have us all picked up at the airport and taken to our new apartment in Chestnut Hill. No sooner had we put our bags down she started herding the 4 of us into her car to take us to someplace called the Newton Free Library where she had arranged appointments to get us our first flu shots.


But that’s not the best part of the story. When we left the library, sore arms and all, it started to snow. It was the first time any of our family had ever seen or felt it. It was one of the most magical and memorable times of our lives and one we will always cherish.


Thanks Margie for becoming one of our family’s closest and dearest friends.


Sandeep & Tripti
Chestnut Hill

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